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We have fact-checked the Groveport Madison Local School District's (GMLSD) "Fast Fact Friday" post from October 18, 2024. The fact-check reveals that the district leadership is disseminating false information in an apparent attempt to mislead voters into supporting Bond Issue #38. Worse, they are using taxpayer resources and funds in what can only be described as a calculated effort to sway voters to approve their poorly planned bond proposal.

The district's bond advertisement (Fast Fact Friday) grossly misrepresented the median home value in the school district, claiming it is $166,000. However, according to the latest Columbus Realtor's 2023 Annual Report, the median sale price for homes in the Groveport Madison Local School District is actually $246,000, up 2.5% from 2022, with an average sale price of $254,322, up 3.0% from 2022. This blatant inaccuracy appears to be a tactic of "weaponizing" public money to push a questionable agenda, which is unethical and undermines the democratic process.

Also, the district's claim that "taxpayers over 65" will have lower taxes is false. The tax reduction only applies to seniors with lower incomes. This misleading information is designed to sway residents' votes on the current bond issue. For the district leadership to exploit seniors in this way is a clear breach of the public's trust.

To make informed decisions, residents must critically evaluate the district's claims and seek out reliable sources. Deceptive tactics like this not only harm taxpayers but also undermine trust in local government. As citizens, we must hold officials accountable and demand transparency on matters affecting the community. It time to rename "Fast Fact Friday" to "False Fact Friday."

Taxpayers should not support any bond or levy until the district has trustworthy leadership dedicated to developing a data driven long term strategic plan. Vote No on Issue #38.

Groveport Madison Citizens for Safety, Education and Accountability
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